Saturday, December 18, 2021 A CASE OF 45 YEAR OLD FEMALE PATIENT WITH SOB, FEVER, PAIN ABDOMEN AND GENERALISED WEAKNESS. A 45 year old female came to the OPD with the C/O Fever since 3 days HOPI : Patient came with c/o fever since 10 days Generalised body pains since 10 days Pain abdomen since 5 days History of presenting illness : Patient was apparently normal ten days back then she developed fever , low grade associated with chills and rigors not associated with cough, no burning micturition , no vomiting , no loose stools. Fever subsided after medication 5 days back. Then, since 5 days patient developed pain abdomen around umbilicus and epigastrium, non radiating associated with SOB grade 3 and 4 , not associated with nausea and vomiting , loss of appetite . History of past illness : Not a K/C/O HTN/DM/TB/Epilepsy/Asthma/CAD/CVA Patient was hysterectomised 15 years ago. Family history - Not Significant Personal History : Diet- mixed Appetite- normal Sleep- adequate ...